
Here is the latest news from PoMS and our partners. See also @PoMScheme on Twitter.



Ivy flowers provide an important late-season source of nectar and pollen for many insects. One insect that you may encounter on Ivy blossom is the Ivy Bee (Colletes hederae), a solitary bee species that was first found near the south coast of England in 2001 and has subsequently spread to many areas of England and Wales, with reports of potential sightings from Scotland this year (as yet not fully confirmed).

The 2021 FIT Count season finishes at the end of September, so there's still time to try a count on Ivy flowers, which produce an average of 24 insects per 10-minute count, and other flower targets (such as Ragwort and Knapweed) are still flowering in some places. On Ivy you're likely to see plenty of wasps and maybe some Ivy Bees as well - see the PoMS flower charts for mode details.

This is an annual event organised by Defra in partnership with various organisations that have an interest in bees, including PoMS and many of our partners. It runs next week from Monday 12th to Sunday 18th July. There will be online activities and some in-person events as well.

The summary details are provided by Bumblebee Conservation Trust, and Buglife have set up some events for the week.

A news item on the UKCEH website provides some more background to recent PoMS developments ... [more]

We are very pleased to be able to launch the new PoMS website today. This brings together all the PoMS information and recording forms in one place ... [more]

We’re looking forward to sunshine, flowers and flying insects! From 1 April FIT Counts can take place as long as the weather is warm enough, and as long you can do so within any continuing covid restrictions ... [more]
