Our surveys: take part in PoMS

UKPoMS runs two main surveys:

Flower-Insect Timed Count (FIT Count)

  • Can be done at any location with flowers
  • At any time when weather is good enough, from 1 April to 30 September
  • Choose a patch of target flowers and count all insects landing on them within ten minutes
  • Send in your count results to help build a national picture of pollinator abundance

Systematic 1 km square survey

  • Involves setting out pan-traps in the morning, collecting the insects at the end of the day, and returning the samples to the PoMS labs
  • Takes place in 75 pre-defined 1 km squares throughout the UK, from farm fields to mountain sides
  • Volunteers adopt a square and visit it four times during the summer
  • Equipment, training and access permissions are all provided by PoMS
  • Send in your samples and data to help build a rigorous dataset of changes in pollinator distribution and abundance


Download a PoMS poster/flyer to print out (this is set up at A2 size but will also print out at A4 size).

You may also be interested in some of the other surveys and species recording projects run by PoMS partners and other national recording schemes.

Find out more about how to take part in UK PoMS by watching our 2022 webinar:

