Every FIT Count that you send in via this website or our app makes a contribution to the monitoring of pollinators at a national level. But FIT Counts are increasingly being carried out by local projects who are using them as part of their work to conserve pollinators, and engage people with watching and recording the insects involved.
Following requests from a number of local groups we have added a new option into the FIT Count recording page and app. This allows you to say if you are carrying out your count as part of one of these local projects. If you link your count results to one of the listed projects, here is what happens:
- Your count results (including your name as recorder, and your location) will be available to the local project for them to download and include in their own analysis and reporting
- Your results will still contribute to the national monitoring scheme
- Your email address is not passed on, but some projects may have their own mailing lists that you can choose to join
Here is a guide to using the project links in the app and on the website.
You don't have to link to a local project, it's fine just to send in your count to the national scheme. If there is a project in your area you might want to contact them to find out more about how you can take part (links to the current projects are shown below and are available within the app).
Currently available projects:
- Cambridgeshire County Farms
- Green Communities Plymouth
- Greening Arundel
- Kent's Plan Bee
- Kingston University Biodiversity
- Oakington & Westwick Nature Recovery Project
- Pollinating London Together
- Pollinators Along the Tweed
- PoMS 1 km square survey (for FIT Counts as part of the 1 km square survey)
- RHS Plants for Pollinator Counts
- The Bradley Bug Project
- The Italian Garden, Great Ambrook
- West of England - Community Pollinator Fund
- Yorkshire Dales Hay Time
If you are a project organiser and want to know how your project could be added to the list, or how to obtain count data for your project, please contact PoMS.